Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Reading Lolita in Madrid

I'm not reading Lolita in Madrid, but I keep thinking about Vladamir Nabokov.

At some point I heard that English was Nabokov's second language, after Russian, and that Lolita is supposed to be one of the best books written by someone in their non-native language. I've never really appreciated what that means. It's really hard. My thoughts in Spanish are super limited.

I've got some mad respect for Nabokov.

What a baller.

1 comment:

  1. Just saw a notification about your blog and had to read and then had to comment on this! dude Nabokov is super BA! I love Lolita, such a fantastic read. I wish I could write/speak in Spanish half as well Nabokov could in English. Also want to learn Russian. Oh dreams.
