Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The metro and I have a tumultuous relationship

I took pictures yesterday in the metro and left my battery charging over night so I could show you the awesome metro signage.
THEN, this morning the metro tried to take advantage and eat my hand. I was running to catch it, and managed to stick my arms in the door when they brutally closed on me, trapping my bag inside. The people on the train had to pry the doors open so I could get my bag out.
So the metro and I are not on good speaking terms rights now. I'm thinking of taking the bus to my internship today.

Anyway, the Metro is clean and prompt and all that, but my favorite thing is the really clear signage. BART could learn a thing or two.

So let's say I have to get from Rubén Dario to Velázquez. I see that I have to take the green line (number 5) to Alonso Martínez and get on the brown line (number 4) to Velázquez. They have these maps in the stations, too, but that picture would have come out horribly.

But let's say you're Naomi, and you only remember the color of the line you have to get on, or you don't remember the direction or the stop. If you were on the BART, you would be screwed. In Madrid:

This handy sign tells you all of the stops this train will hit, and what transfers you can make at each station, referring to the lines with their color, number, and names. Amazing.

This sign is also visible from the metro, so if you're on the metro and you're like, dang, what was my stop? You can look out the window and see which stop does your transfer, and how many stops are left, etc.

Then, when you get off these help you out:
And my favorite: Although the unit of a "min" seems to vary, the signs are pretty reliable.

Overall, good signage, Madrid Metro people. Don't think I'm not still mad at you about this morning.

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