Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hace mal tiempo en Madrid

Remember how I couldn't decide whether or not to bring an umbrella? I really should have, but it's OK because I bought this sweet one in Leon:

It's great because
1) it's easy to find me in a crowd. Cellphone minutes are too expensive to waste on the whole "I'm here. By the fountain. No, the other fountain." business and
2) it's a conversation starter. Conversation goes like this: Them: "Me gusta tu paraguas."(I like your umbrella) Me: "Gracias". Awkward silence.

Other things that happened this weekend:
Hung out with Spaniards!! Learned bad words.
Hung out with Mexicans.
Tried to get the smoke-smell out of my hair.
Went to the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza
Came back to the apartment last night at 5:30am just in time to see (watch the ESPN thinger) the end of the Stanford/USC game.
Drank lots of coffee. Spanish coffee is almost always "con leche" and the coffee is more like espresso and the milk is hot so they're really just cafe au laits. And I love it.
Read an edition of El Pais.

Fact: Between 1-6 am I have two options to get home. The night bus or a taxi. From Sol, the night bus is free(with my Stanford bus pass) but takes 45min/1hour. Taxis cost about 5euro and take about 5/10 minutes. Its a very difficult decision to make. 5euro is like 2 two and 1/2 cafes con leche.

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