Saturday, October 16, 2010

Lo Monstre

Today was one of those beautiful cloudless days that makes you think of Stanford:

So I took advantage and walked about an hour to the Reina Sofia, which is free for students. I hung out with Picasso and Dalí and found what may be my favorite piece of art ever:It's called "Life: Curve N° 1 Ian Flemming" and I have no idea whats going on, but it's awesome.

A close up of the upper left hand corner:

Then I went to the free circus thing happening outside. It had a strange dinosaur monster that walked through the audience spitting smoke, water, and feathers:

There was also a low budget cirque-du-soleil like thing with acrobats that "cuestiona el abuso del poder" (questions the abuse of power):

(They're spinning in the air. I'm not sure that's clear)

Afterward Christiane and I went to my new favorite place in the entire world. Its about 3 blocks from my house and its called Formentor and its a pasteleria that makes, among other deliciousness, Tortel:
(image courtesy of the internet)

It's filled with what Wikipedia tells me is jam from Siam pumpkin. All I know is it's delicious. Think apple pie filling, but better. I have to figure out a way to get them in the states.

When I finished writing this, I went back through to edit and had to delete every time I used the word "awesome". I think it was 5 times.

1 comment:

  1. the people spinning! do you know if it was ? because, they're an incredible art movement/group in spain that you should know about.
