Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's easy to win games when you make up the rules

I think I've gotten really good at this game I've invented. I call it "Spot the American".

Speaking English (you would think there'd be more British people, but 90% of the English I hear on the street is American)
Wearing any sort of "comfortable" or exercise clothing
Or sneakers.
Eating food/drinking beverage on the street.
iPods (this is trickier, lots of Madrileños seem to have the iPod touch/iPhone, but the classic iPod is far rarer)

I will never know how many people I miss, but I love when I spot one and then he/she starts speaking English. So much victory.

On an only slightly related note, I overheard this conversation last week in American:
Woman: What's that? (indicating a pretty building across the street).
Man: I think its a Church.
This is a great example of Americans' relationship to Spain. We assume that all pretty/old buildings mean something significant, but there are just a lot of churches in Spain.

Like that time we walked past a really long line on the street and thought it was some sort of free concert or the like. No, it was just Mass.

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