Friday, December 24, 2010

Wish you were here

I traveled very little outside of Madrid during the quarter, and I wondered if that was the right choice for me. And, yes, it definitely was.

I don't like being a tourist. A number 1, it makes me cranky.
More importantly, it is just not a good way to travel. You can do tourism many different ways, but I feel like its all about seeing things. It doesn't matter what country the things are in.

My dad photocopied some pages for me out of his book "1000 Things to See Before You Die" and there are 1000 (and obviously more) AMAZING things in the world.
I also want to see books called "1000 Ways to Celebrate", "1000 Fantastic Gastronomic Traditions to Try", "1000 Things You Take For Granted, But You Should Go Without Here", "1000 Amazing Traditions in Hospitality", "1000 Things That Are Illegal in the US, But Not Here", etc. Maybe not titled exactly like these.

For me the beauty is in different cultures and wisdoms you can learn, beyond what you can see.

Anyway, I'm glad I really chose to LIVE in Madrid and I'm glad that I'm traveling now because I get to see these cool things:(Toledo and Toledo)

(Granada, Granada, and Granada) (Love you, oxford comma)

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