Sunday, December 12, 2010

Grotesque Shmrotesque

I was reviewing all of my pictures from Spain (because I only have 20 days left in Spain and all of that will be spent tourist-style, traveling around, which is not the same. I write this from a hotel room!).
Anyway, I noticed a trend in my pictures of strange gargoyle like creatures. So apparently I have an affinity for gargoyles. Good for me and you to know, given the whole t-1 day till my birthday thing.

Here you go:
Burgos, Comillas, Sevilla, Dominican center in Madrid.

ps. You know what frustrates me? Slow hotel internet! At this second I am only trying to download 8 podcasts, one Awl post, one tumblr, and this blog upload-y picture business. They will be limiting my internet bandwidth in Cape Town. I might die.

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