Thursday, December 16, 2010

Gaudy does not come from Gaudí

Here I am in Barcelona! And I'm 21! Joy all around!

Today we went around to lots of Gaudí things and they were all amazing.

There was a book about Gaudí in Ms Messinger's room at Gunn, and ever since I looked through it in 10th grade I've been waiting to go see his stuff in person. And it did not disappoint.

Parc Güell:Rooftop at Casa Mila/Pedrera (this double name thing is unnecessarily confusing)Sagrada Familia!
Apparently they just finished the inside a couple of months ago, and it is incredible. I was thinking, "Man, this God guy must be really great to have people make all this." This picture fails entirely to capture it.
Detail on the outside (dove and stars)The family was being adorable:
Old men play bocce ball outside of the Sagrada Familia. Oh, Europe. I'm gonna miss you.
If you know any trivia about Gaudí, you know that he was killed crossing the street in Barcelona. After a couple days here I can tell you this does not surprise me.

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