Friday, November 12, 2010


On Wednesday we took a big old group trip to Segovia. We took a tour of the University, my film professor gave a lecture, we went on a bus tour, and then walked about for an hour ALL while freezing our patooties off. Stanford students are so good at multi-tasking.

Here are some of my standard below-standard photos.


This is the castle in Segovia that supposedly inspired Walt Disney for Sleeping Beauty's castle.
The large majority of my pictures came out incredibly fuzzy. Bus tours are silly. Looking at this one makes me seasick. So I thought I should share.

I've decided that studying abroad is a little like knowing you're going to die in 6 months. You're presented with this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and you know exactly when its going to end. We end up listening to the id a bit too much -- always have seconds and deserts and going out.
Lately, it's been stressing me out, because we've crossed the half-way point and I think I have to make the most of every second. It's resulted in a lot less sleeping this past week.

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