Monday, November 15, 2010

Oh my god Becky

Every week or so I have a reason to walk through el Plaza de Colon and I always see this delightful statue of a curvaceous woman lying on her stomach and I think, "You go girl".
So this weekend when Emily and I decided to go to el Museo de Libro I told her we should meet by the statue so she could take a picture of me and I could put it here.
As I was waiting for her by the statue I saw 7 or 8 tourists stop and take pictures with the lady, which I found utterly demoralizing. I like to think that I live here, that I am not a tourist.
Emily still took the picture for me but I want you all to know that I have a relationship with this lady. I am not some random Italian tourist coming up and putting my hand on her behind.

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