Tuesday, September 21, 2010


So, here I am in the San Francisco Airport at 8AM, on my way to Madrid. I really can't believe that I will, by this time tomorrow (or something like that, timezones confuse me) I will be in Spain, and I will be living there for three months. It boggles the mind.
Since I've gone through security, I should be able to stop worrying about whether or not I should have packed an umbrella, but I'm still really worried about what rain in Madrid will be like and how cheap umbrellas will be and whether there was more room in my suitcase.

Umbrella obsessions aside, I think I'm ready to be setting off and I'm excited to share some things here. My goals for the blog are too keep it not boring and mostly true.

I can't do any kind of forward-looking expectations post because I can't even imagine Madrid, but I can say a few goals: I plan to only speak Spanish, to make lots of new friends, to get out of my comfort zone, think critically about Spain and myself, and have lots of fun. Plus other things, I'm sure.

Fun facts:
Suitcase weight: 52 lbs
Number of times the AA voice recognition thing misunderstood me: ~5
Hours of sleep: 2

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