Thursday, September 30, 2010

In the North

Our orientation trip traveled through the North, from the Cathedral at Burgos (I take really bad pictures, sorry):

To the beach town of Comillas:

To Leon:
This first picture is our hotel!!! The second is the Cathedral in Leon, an amazing piece of gothic architecture.

I pretty much lost any interest in taking pictures after Burgos, but other things on our trip were: lots of clouds, Spanish history lessons, only speaking Spanish, lots of wine, LOTS of jamon/anything pig, Tapas in Leon's Barrio Humedo, los Picos de Europa (Beautiful mountains that were actually freezing. Walking in the clouds sounds awesome, but chills you to the bone), almuerzo in a cave, churros y chocolate in our director's tiny home town.

I've caught some kind of cold and I'm off to the Farmacia now. My antifitriona (host mom) taught me how to say "I have lots of mucus".

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