Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hello, World.

Hola! Acabo de conectar la red en casa y quiero mostrar todo que me pasó aquí. Pero, ahora, lo que quiero mostrarles es esta foto de como me perdí hace unos días. Estaba tratando de ir hasta punto B (el Instituto Internacional) a punto A (mi casa). No tuve miedo y no me preocupaba, porque tuve la opción de tomar el metro, pero decidí gozar la ciudad.

I've just gotten the Internet hooked up in my house, and I definitely want to share photos, etc. But first I wanted to share this little picture of how I got lost the other day. I was trying to go from point B (el Instituto Internacional) a point A (mi casa). I wasn't super worried, because I went by several metros, and I could have taken them home, instead I just sort of wandered about. I think it's very Family Circus.

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