Sunday, February 27, 2011


Sorry, I haven't updated forever. I've been doing exciting things. Exciting thing 1:

Last weekend, I took a 10 hour bus ride along the coast with 4 of my friends. We went to Stormsriver in Tsikamma National Park. We spent our first day mountain biking and going to one of the only restaurants in town which also happens to be Elvis themed.
The next day we woke up bright and early and went to the Bloukrans Bridge. The bridge hosts what has been variably called "The largest bungee in the world", "The largest bridge bungee in the world", "The largest commercial bungee in the world", and "The largest commercial bridge bungee in the world". I suspect it's really the last, but it doesn't really matter because the bungee is 216 meters, also known as a lot. And I did it!! It was a little bit scary but so much fun.

I have a video, too, but I wasn't about to spend all of my megs uploading that. Next time you see me with my computer in real life, I'll show you.

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