Sunday, February 27, 2011

Man is greater than the ring

This week was the "Infecting the City" Public Arts Festival in Cape Town which was incredible. I highly recommend it.
I saw Xhosa Stick Fighting, Ballet, BBoys, Tai Chi, Drum Majorettes and all kinds of interesting performance art. I took an outdoor class in "Jazzing", supposedly a Cape Flats version of the Samba. The most exciting part, however, was the Treasure Hunt.
It began with a woman in an old fashioned white dress throwing gravel at a women with a brief case in one hand and a birdcage with tea bags and keys in the other, led to a professor from New Zealand leading us around a museum talking about Vermeer and being tended to by a nurse who only spoke Spanish, then to a tiny room in the flower market covered in maps. We ended up Saturday morning exploring the sewers beneath Cape Town. All of this is entirely true! I described it to my friend and he thought that maybe I had done some drugs and hallucinated it all.
I won a massage at a spa! (Yay! I've been needing one after spending 20 hours on buses and bungee jumping last weekend)
Plus, I got to explore the city and go on a treasure hunt. Amazing.
This is the only picture I have, taken by the organizer and put on his twitter.

Oh, and I found this online:

See the birdcage with tea bags and keys? Didn't hallucinate it!

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